Our socks are machine knitted, the socks are built up layer by layer. It starts at the bottom and builds up layer by layer in up to 5 colors. Yarns are based on Pantone C samples. Tip: choose one background color and build the pattern/logo on it.
Details are beautiful, but will fall away in the yarn. Our machines use 200 needle stitches all around the socks. In other words, 200 pixels per layer. Small details will fall away.
Actually a complement to the above. Letters are displayed as pixels, so to speak. Certainly lowercase letters become illegible. The company name on the sole or side can of course, a slogan or text becomes more powerful on the label.
“Looks good!”
The heel (upper edge), heel and toe are partially composed of elastane. This ensures the right fit. Therefore, these can be made in one color per section. So it is possible to make the heel red, heel blue and toe green. Do keep in mind the maximum of 5 colors.
It is possible to make the left side of a single sock different from the right side of the same sock. Be careful not to mirror the socks. If you want an icon on the outside of the left sock, the icon on the right sock is on the inside. By the way, mismatched socks are also possible.
A digital design within 24 hours!